REGIONAL CONFERENCE: “ENVIRONMENT TO EUROPE – ENE15 – ENV.NET CONFERENCE“ partner from Serbia, Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development, in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, organized the Regional conference “Environment to Europe EnE15/ Conference”. The conference was held in Belgrade on the World Environment Day, on June 5, 2015, and it was UNEP registered event. About 150 experts and stakeholders in[…..]

Technical Working Group for consulation of the primary law on energy performance of buildings in Albania

Since July 2014, Co-PLAN is part of the Technical Working Group for drafting the energy performance of buildings primary legislation for Albania that is compliant with the provisions of the European Union’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) as recast in 2010 (Directive 2010/31/EU) and takes into account country-specific circumstances and policy preferences. The TWG[…..] multi-stakeholder Conference on Chapter 27: about 200 participants

Chapter 27 within the EU accession negotiation, concerning environment, is among the most demanding and most expensive ones, and Serbia is faced with a “bumpy” road when it comes to harmonisation with the European standards, said the participants of the “Environment towards Europe” conference, held at Belgrade Chamber of Commerce on the occasion of World[…..]

The construction of new dams is a threat for the rivers

Major energy projects in the Balkans threaten the most valuable wealth in Europe: the rivers. With this message started the press conference of the two relevant international organisations  Euronatur and Riverwatch. From Slovenia to Macedonia construction is planned of more than 570 hydro power plants. “We must oppose this outdated trend. Many of the planned[…..]

“Factories are suffocating us!” Tetovo activists on protest in Skopje

Hundreds of activists from Tetovo protested in Skopje asking the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning not to allow extension of the deadline by which industries in the Tetovo region must put filters and provide environmental permits. “Tetovo still remains the most air polluted city in the country. In the last 5 days citizens from[…..]

EASD written contribution to the 2014 Progress Report

In the context of preparations for the 2014 Progress Report, the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia is currently launching the round of consultations with the civil society. In this respect, they invited NSA to submit a written contribution to the to the 2014 Progress Report  on the economic criteria and/or European standards. EASD – Serbia, prepared and sent to EC[…..]

Meeting to discuss the new draft of DCM “On Defining special requirements, conditions and rules to review and transfer of Environmental Permits”

Co-PLAN participated on 7th March 2014 to a meeting organized by the Ministry of Environment to discuss about the new draft of Decision of Council of Ministers “On Defining special requirements, conditions and rules to review and transfer of Environmental Permits”. This meeting gathered together environmental specialist from the ministry of environment, national environmental agency,[…..]

The Energy Strategy in Kosovo 2013 – 2022 Priority –Energy efficiency

On 12.18.2013, the Ministry of Economic Development organized a public debate on the Energy Strategy of the Republic of Kosovo, 2013 – 2022. The debate was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, KEK, KOSTT, Energy Regulatory Office, international donors, civil society, media and other stakeholders.[…..]