Saving forests is a priority for Kamenica Municipality

By Aida Ciro,

Advocacy Training and Recourse Center (ATRC) in cooperation with organization ProActive, in the framework of regional project, Env.Net, supported by European Commission, held a roundtable disscussion regarding forest management and measures to be taken to prevent illegal logging in Municipality of Kamenica. The purpose of the meeting was to disscuss the role of Basic Court and relevant institutions in Kamenica, in order to prevent this negative phenomen.

Director of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural development Mr. Islam Isufi said that despite the small number of foresters and the danger they face since they are unarmed, Kamenica is one of the most successful municipalities in Kosova in terms of enviornmental protection. He invited relevant insitutions responsible for increasing the number of foresters to go out in the field, see the terrain and protect the enviornemnt. Zijanin Spahiu, the President of Basic Court branch in Kamenica, talked about the efficient work of the Court in reviewing and enforcing the cases, dispite difficulties, such as the small number of prosecutors and judges. Police station Commander Nazif Hajrizi, invited citizens to cooperate and announced the effective work of Kosovo Police to prevent this negative phenomenon.

Qazim Jashari, one of the citizens present in the meeting, asked from the relevant insitutions to take measures on preventing stone quarry, and have less burocracy when it comes to getting documentations for logging.

The conclusions of this meeting were that: citizens should become aware and ask for compensation; the number of prosecutors and judges to be increased; to have a higher number of foresters that will be well equipped with vehicles and weapons; a higher number of police patrols throughout rural locations where logging happens; raising awareness of the community regarding a better cooperation with relevant insitutions on preventing this negative phenomenon.

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By Aida Ciro,

On 7-9 November 2014, Co-PLAN under project in collaboration with POLIS University and DAPEEWB and ConSus project, funded by EU TEMPUS took part in the Fair organized by the Ministry of Energy and Industry and Tirana EXPO Center “Energy the Future Challenge”.

During these 3 days, at our stand, the community was able to be introduced with our regional project, where during 2014 there has been developed small sub-grant projects for the installation of solar panels to provide electric energy, educational hours on energy efficiency in a 9 year old school and installation of LED lamps in the school, and also awareness campaign on potential of renewable energy at the south of the country.

Also in collaboration with POLIS University, we shared information about the professional school of energy efficiency (DAPEEWB project, funded by EU Tempus)

On the second day of the fair, ENV. team took part at the National Workshop “Energy Efficiency in Housing Sector and Response from the Education Sector”, organized by U_POLIS and University of Aleksander Moisiu Durres, in the framework of DAPEEWB project, funded by EU Tempus. The seminar focused on the discussion of the new law on energy performance of buildings and the impact it will have on the stock housing and construction industry market.

The stand was active all three days, as we involved community participation, where they filled in a questionnaire regarding characteristics of their buildings, and we calculated on real time their energy loses and energy savings if they thermoinsulate their building. As we wanted to reach as much as possible community interest, we converted energy savings on financial savings and calculated the pay back period of the investment.

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  Comments: Comments Off on team in Albania partecipated at the Fair “Energy the FUture Challenge” training session in Macedonia

By Aida Ciro,


On April 2014, partner from Macedonia (4x4x4 Balkan Bridges Skopje) conducted survey in Macedonia, as it was realized the same survey in previews year (2013) in other Western Balkans partners countries (Serbia, Albania and Kosovo) and Turkey to assess training needs of environmental CSOs acting in these countries. The results show emerged the need of improving knowledge and skills on EU funding mechanisms and possible channels for CSOs to monitor the approximation process to EU environmental acquis.

For this reason, the training programme started on March 2014, targeting CSOs (e.g. NGOs, youth organizations, academic institutions, community groups, environment networks/coalition and other type of non-profit organizations).


Macedonia was “last addresses” for 2014, of this programme, titled “Environment in the European Union: Funding Mechanisms and Policy Processes”, and its was held in Skopje on 14th -15th of November 2014.
Overall aim of this course was to encourage environmental NGOs to be involved in the EU processes and become more competent while doing so. The course consisted of 2 modules delivered by staff, from Leading Partner Punto.sud from Milan-Italy and EEB from Brussels, with participation of 22 participants form more than 17 CSOs from Macedonia.

The main objective of the training was to provide participants a general understanding of the necessary steps to be successful in getting funds from the EU and enable them to actively participate in the calls for proposals launched by the European Commission and the EU Delegations for projects to be implemented in Macedonia or abroad. In addition, it aimed to support Macedonian CSO to familiarise with selected EU policy areas, highlighting possibilities to be better informed and involved and seek ways how they could contribute to the national and EU policy making.

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By Aida Ciro,

Co-PLAN and team in Albania in collaboration with POLIS University and DAPEEWB (Developing and Adapting Professional Programs for Energy Efficiency in the Western Balkans) and ConSus (Connecting Science – Society Collaborations for Sustainable Innovations­­) project will take place in the Fair “Energy, the challenge of the future” from 7-9 November, with a dedicated stand presenting our products, especially related to energy efficiency. The fair is an initiative of the Tirana EXPO Center and the Ministry of Energy and Industry, where different actors working in the field of energy will take place and expose their products to the wider community.

On our stand you will have the opportunity to calculate together (in a few minutes) how much energy you consume and how much will you save if you therm-insulate your house (Invitation to our stand).

Also we will take place in the National Seminar “On Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings and the Response from the Education Field” organized by POLIS University and University Aleksandër Moisiu Durrës, in the frame of  DAPEEWB (Developing and Adapting Professional Programs for Energy Efficiency in the Western Balkans) project.

Please do not miss this opportunity to visit Us at Tirana EXPO Centre (Rr.GjergjBalshaj, afër Urës së Kamzës, Tiranë) 7-9 November!


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Two new courses are going to start tomorrow

By Aida Ciro,



“Get funding from the European Union”


The course provides an understanding of the EU funding and programming system with a brief presentation of the main EU Institutions involved in this process. It also presents the funding opportunities available for CSOs from Western Balkans and Turkey to implement their projects. Moreover this course focuses on the necessary steps to carry out in order to apply for Grants under the EU Calls for proposals system

See more info on the course  here



“Social media, activism and participation”

env.net_elearningThe course provides support to CSOs that would like to start or improve their communication strategy through the use of social media. It helps in understanding how to use the most common social networks, like twitter, facebook, and linkedin and provide step-by-step suggestions to organise on-line petitions or campaigns.

The course is designed for staff of CSOs working in communication departments with a basic knowledge of the main social networks. It is conceived for beginners on the subject and do not need an in-depth experience.

See more info on the course  here



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Day of Action Against Coal- 17.10.2014

By Aida Ciro,

Turkey declared 2012 as the ‘Year of Coal’ and announced that by 2023, all coal reserves in Turkey will be used for electricity production.

In November 2013, during the UN Warsaw Climate Change Conference COP 19, this brought Turkey ‘the Fossil of the Day Award’ from participating civil society organizations. CSOs justified the award stating that 38% of Turkey’s electricity production came from state owned plants whereas there is still not a national emmission reduction target.

Respectively, year 2014 has been a terrible year with regard to coal mining accidents in Turkey. In May, fire in the Soma Coal mines caused 301 miners to lose their lives. On 28th of October, in Ermenek, 18 miners were trapped because of the water reserves flood. Search for  the miners contunue to this day.

This latest happening in Ermenek has brought up the issue of mining in volatile environments such as  Konya Closed Basin in mid-Anatolia. In November 2013, TEMA published a report with the contribution of 12 academicians and experts on the effects of coal mining and a Coal Power Plant in the region and warned about the severe effect of mining on underground water and possible underground water floods. Report has been lauched with a press conference and presented to authorities.

Details of the report can be found at this address. (Translation in English available soon)

Here is some data on the status of electricity production adn consumption in Turkey:

  • Turkey’s energy is used %30 in industry, %23 in households and services, %35 in transportation. %36 of electricity production comes from coal, %56 from petroliim and natural gas.
  • Elektricity energy resources are %60 thermo, %35 water.
  • Electricty consumption nearly doubled in the last 10 years, major consumption belongs to industry, among which cement and iron-steel indstry leads with %40 share.

TEMA will continue its legal and campaign work against coal. Coal is not clean, coal is not a solution.


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The family’s history narrated by Co-PLAN

By Aida Ciro,

Are you interested in the project “Development of in West Balkan and Turkey: giving citizens a voice to influence the environmental process”?

Would you like to be updated on the implementation phase of our project or be informed on the related environmental issues ?

Take a look at this wonderful brochure!



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Roundtable “On Integrated Management of Municipal Solid Waste in the City of Tirana”

By Aida Ciro,

Co-PLAN in cooperation with the Municipality of Tirana and IFC, under the project, funded by European Commission organized the Roundtable “On Integrated Management of Solid Waste in the City of Tirana”, aiming the presentation of the feasibility study on integrated waste management in Tirana, and to open a discussion with stakeholders, civil society organizations and businesses to discuss the most appropriate solutions for integrated management of solid waste in the city of Tirana, in the premises of Polis University on 29th of October 2014 (The invitation and agenda).

More than 80 representatives from the civil society working in the field of waste management and environment, academic professors, students and TV media took place in this activity.

Mayer of the Municipality Mr. Lulzim Basha and the deputy Mayer Mr. Eno Bozdo presented the feasibility study developed, by IFC and the Municipality, during 2013 on Integrated Waste Management in Tirana for a period of 20 years through a Public Private Partnership concessionary scheme.

The study aimed on pointing out 3 main criteria: i) Within the first year of the PPP contract the small ring of the city will be provided with underground containers, where waste will be separated at the source in two main waste streams (organics and non organic waste); ii) within 3 years of the PPP contract this service will be provided in the whole territory of the Municipality of Tirana; iii) no increase of waste tariff for this new waste service provision.

Then the deputy Mayer made a thorough presentation about the study.

A whole session of discussions followed the meeting, where the Mayer and deputy Mayer addressed several questions and issues raised by the audience, as: issues related to the number of operators that will provide the service, and precisely what service they will provide (collection, transport, recycling, final treatment in the landfill of Sharra etc); if this scheme will support and take in consideration the existing infrastructure of recycling companies operating in the region etc. The Mayer cleared that the PPP contract will be all inclusive for the whole recycling companies, and no overlap of investments will take place. On the other hand ROM community will be supported by being legally included in the scheme.

At the end the Mayer launched a message to all representatives and the government to collaborate together to find the appropriate way on rightly addressing the issue of integrated waste management in the city of Tirana (counting 1/3 of the country population).

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  Category: Advocacy-Awareness, Public events
  Comments: Comments Off on Roundtable “On Integrated Management of Municipal Solid Waste in the City of Tirana” training session in Serbia

By Aida Ciro,

On March 2013, staff conducted a survey in Western Balkans and Turkey to assess training needs of environmental CSOs acting in these countries. It emerged the need of improving knowledge and skills on EU funding mechanisms and possible channels for CSOs to monitor the approximation process to EU environmental acquis.
For this reason, the training programme started on March 2014, targeting CSOs (e.g. NGOs, youth organisations, academic institutions, community groups, environment networks/coalition and other type of non-profit organisations).

Last training session of this programme, titled “Environment in the European Union: Funding Mechanisms and Policy Processes” was held in Belgrade on 22nd -23rd of October 2014.
Overall aim of this course was to encourage environmental NGOs to be involved in the EU processes and become more competent while doing so. The course consisted of 2 modules delivered by staff.

First module provided brief introductory information on EU and its main institutions, EU programming system and financial decisions. This enabled participants to be able to actively participating in calls for proposals launched by the European Commission and the EU Delegation for the financing of projects in Serbia.
Second module provided a general understanding of the EU environmental acquis and the channels NGOs can use for monitoring of EU approximation process.


Twenty people participated to this training session and demonstrated their appreciation on the course contents.


Below a summary of the evaluation made by participants:

Overall Results of the evaluation forms – scores
Note: scores are defined as follows: 4 – very good; 3 – good; 2 – fair; 1 – poor

• Evaluation of the course 3,79
• Evaluation of the organisation 3,61
• Evaluation of the relation course-daily work 3,39

• Achievement of the course objectives 3,78
• Quality of the lectures 3,89
• Quality of the exercises 3,82
• Balance lectures/exercises 3,78
• Time allocated for discussion and understanding the issues 3,50
• Role of trainer (Knowledge of the subject; facilitation and animation skills; clarity of presentation; accessibility/availability)  4,00

• Duration of the course 3,33
• General organisation (venue, accommodation,…) 3,89

After the course
• Knowledge of training contents (general knowledge, understanding of where and how to find information) 3,39
• Capability to apply these contents in my daily work 3,61
• Capability to adapt and to apply the contents to programming and design of future projects 3,29

Next training session will be on 14th-15th November in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. See the training calendar for additional information

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  Comments: Comments Off on training session in Serbia project supported the international workshop “SKIN”- Transparent and Translucent building skin as Multilayered, Multipurpose and Filtering system

By Aida Ciro,

Building envelopes contribute to both qualitative and quantitative measure of a building’s sustainability while still guaranteeing the required comfort standards. An efficient thermal envelope minimizes the heat loss in the winter and the heat gain in the summer. Most of the solutions can be found combined together and integrated in the facades or cladding elements.

“The building’s envelope can be considered quite literally as a complex membrane capable of energy, material and information exchange. It can be designed to operate as part of a holistic building metabolism and morphology…” (M. Wigginton, J. Harris, “Intelligent Skin”- Biological terminology in conceptualizing architectural design).

As Co-PLAN in the framework of project has been working closely on energy efficiency issues during these two years together with students and professors of Polis University and international professors, during the month of TAW (Tirana Architecture Weeks mid September – Mid October), organized an international workshop called “SKIN” – Transparent and Translucent building skin as Multilayered, Multipurpose and Filtering System (Promotion Banner).

This workshop aimed at the development of multilayered integrated glazing systems for the building envelope using different technological solutions to modulate natural light and heat gain.

The theme of the Workshop was the design of modular compound glazing systems that can be integrated to the building envelope. These high performance glazing units were designed to fit the cladding module of the new Greenhouse will be build in the outdoor of POLIS university next year (Greenhouse 2_concept).

The panels were designed and fabricated by the students during the workshop and the most successful and efficient panels might be reproduced in a greater number and mounted in the modular structure of the new Greenhouse to test ways of achieving passive heat gain and light control in the next year.

The workshops went through three main phases, where students first were explained the project of the New Green House, then how they would design (Green house poster) and produce solutions for the glazing units and study of the assembling techniques, and at the end they built and tested the prototypes and installed them in the frame produced.

This workshop intended to investigate a set of strategies, components and technologies that lower environmental impact while improving indoor thermo-hygrometric comfort, concentrating on innovative and integrated cladding materials that optimize the energy performance of a building skin.

We need natural sunlight but we must control heat gain!

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  Category: Advocacy-Awareness, Public events
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