When Citizens’ Health Equals the Price of a Football Match Ticket!

The problems with enormous air pollution in Skopje, Tetovo, Bitoala and Kavadarci, are again the headlines in all news. The data published on the website of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning shows that the enormous pollution in these cities in recent weeks repeated every night and is ten times higher than the permitted levels[…..]

EIA training in Istanbul

On 18 December 2015, a training about EIA legislation and implementations was held in İstanbul by the Turkish ENV.Net Partner TEMA Foundation. The aim of the training was to introduce the commonalities and differences of EIA legislation and implementations between the EU and Turkey, and to develop solutions to improve EIA procedures in Turkey.  There[…..]

ENV.net Macedonia: Echoes in the media

December 2, 2015; Daily news paper “Nova Makedonija”, issue 23629 Citizens’ Behaviour and Habits are the biggest obstacle In general, the issue comes down to whether to pay a price now, for greater inclination and willingness to change, or to reject the idea, with a risk that in the future we will pay a much[…..]

Meeting with CSOs

Skopje, 25th December, 2015 On 25, December 2015 in Skopje ENV.net Macedonia organised a working meeting with the CSOs, members of the Platform for Green Macedonia. At the meeting attended representatives from Kavadarci, Kumanovo, Veles, Skopje and Tetovo. The purpose of the meeting was to present the results achieved via the ENV.net in 2015, but[…..]

Stabilisation of greenhouse gas emissions from road transport through double reduction in fuel consumption: regional implementation of the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GEFI)

Skopje, 10th December, 2015 On December 10, 2015 was held the initial meeting within the project “Stabilisation of greenhouse gas emissions from road transport through a double reduction in fuel consumption: the regional implementation of the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GEFI), which started in May 2015, and will last until June 2018. The main beneficiary[…..]

Consultative meeting with CSOs in Skopje

On 10th November, 2015 a consultation meeting with CSOs regarding the IPA II – Civil Society Facility Programming for 2016-2017, organised by the EU Delegation  took place at the EU Delegation in Skopje. Mr. Martin Klaucke Head of Cooperation and Mrs. Irena Ivanova from EU Delegation in Skopje and more than 40 CSOs representatives of[…..]

New publication by the ENV.net team from Serbia: MEDIA ON ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE IN SERBIA (Chapter 27 in EU accession)

Following the Seminar for media that was organised in October 2015. by the ENV.net team Serbia, with the support from the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development published a brochure with the title: Media on Environment and Climate Change in Serbia (Chapter 27 in EU[…..]

Progress Report on the Republic of Macedonia

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2015 ENV.net team participated on the common meeting in the Macedonian Government – Secretariat for European Affairs regarding the publication and presentation of the Progress report for Republic of Macedonia. The team proposed the same meetings for each Chapter from the report to be organised in next short period, reason is CSOs[…..]