Stabilisation of greenhouse gas emissions from road transport through double reduction in fuel consumption: regional implementation of the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GEFI)

Skopje, 10th December, 2015

On December 10, 2015 was held the initial meeting within the project “Stabilisation of greenhouse gas emissions from road transport through a double reduction in fuel consumption: the regional implementation of the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GEFI), which started in May 2015, and will last until June 2018.

The main beneficiary of this project is the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning. Representative of Macedonia, together with representatives of government institutions, business and NGO sectors was invited to attend the meeting. An introductory speech and presentation of the project were given by the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Mr Nurhan Izairi, and representatives from REC (office in Macedonia), responsible for implementation of the project .

The purpose of the meeting, which was held in the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, was to inform participants about the general goals and work plan and to present the findings of the implemented activities: determination the initial state of specific emissions of CO2 from light vehicles in traffic for 2005, 2008 and 2013” and preparation of “Review on transportation and implementation of the relevant EU directives regulating emissions of CO2 “. Considering the inter-sectoral character of the transport sector and the need to involve a variety of governmental institutions, as well as representatives from the private sector and civil society, the project envisages establishment of a working group to discuss the needs and views of stakeholders in the national policy on fuel economy and to offer appropriate recommendations for measures that need to be implemented.
