Sub-grantee in Albania Eko-levizja concluded its project on “Collection and management of rainwater”

By Aida Ciro,

Ekolevizja is one of the sub grantee of in Albania that recently concluded its project on “Collection and management of rainwater”.  The project was implemented in one of the kindergarten in the Municipality of Tirana, where a green technology on using rainwater for internal usage was designed and implemented.

The project team studied the situation of water usage in the garden that proved that a lot of money, and water amount were used to feed kindergarten needs, which ended in a huge bill at the end of the year to be paid. The project team studied the situation of water usage and infrastructure in the kindergarten and decided to install 4 deposits that will collect rainwater. The project produced a brochure for the kindergarten staff. Their plans are to continue with these projects in other institutions, which will decrease their yearly bills, and will reduce usage of natural water for housing purpose.

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  Category: sub-grants
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By Aida Ciro,

img_5491On 5-6 October, Team TEMA organized a training focusing on advocacy for TEMA HQ co-workers The training lasted 2 days and each day targeted a different audience but overall purpose of the 2 day training was to inform TEMA HQ employees about the advocacy activities that the Environmental Policies and International Relations Department has been involved in and encourage them to internalize these activities.
Dr. Uygar Özesmi, the founder of in Turkey, delivered the training on both days. On the first day, the training focused on campaigning methods: how to design an efficient and successful campaign. The core idea was that a campaign strategy should identify the power relationships that affect the campaign and plan the communication network accordingly.

The second day of the training was more targeted to reach the support departments like finance department and aimed to raise their awareness about what we are campaigning for and against.
The feedbacks for the trainings were extremely positive and the whole HQ Team is really excited to be involved in our future campaigns.

13th of October on Sponsored Green Wave

By Aida Ciro,

Green Wave, the radio show produced by the Team in TEMA Foundation is sponsored by for the coming month. October 13th was the 21st broadcast of the series.

This week on the Green Wave we talked about TEMA Foundation’s education programmes and our guest was Dr. Burcu Güngör Cabbar, TEMA’s Education Department Deputy Head. She informed us TEMA’s ecological education programmes that focus on children and teenagers. She talked about why it is important for children and youth to be ecologically literate and how this education should be delivered for the students to internalize it. She emphasized the importance of these education programmes actually taking place in an environment where the atendees can interact with nature.

For further information on TEMA’s education programmes for children and youth please visit the website.

Unfortunately we cannot provide a link to our broadcast of this week as the website that we archive the podcasts in is now under administrative measures by Information and Communication Technologies Authority
in Turkey.

6th of October on Sponsored Green Wave

By Aida Ciro,

Green WaYeşil Dalga_logove, the radio show produced by the Team in TEMA Foundation is sponsored by for the coming month. October 6th was the 20th broadcast of the series.

This week on the Green Wave we talked about the IUCN Congress and our guest was Dr. Nilüfer Oral, a member of Faculty of Law in Istanbul Bilgi University, She gave us an outline of the important discussions in the World Nature Protection Congress, which was organized by the IUCN in Hawaii on 1-10September.

The IUCN initiated an online voting system on motions for the first time this year, which Dr. Oral found very useful. She stated that this online voting system had worked out well because it was time efficient and they needed much less to decide on motions as members have casted their votes on each motion prior to the congress.

She outlined the most discussed topics in the Congress, which were illegal hunting and animal poaching and acceptance of key biodiversity areas as an international protection standard.

For more information on the congress please go to IUCN’s webpage.
Unfortunately we cannot provide a link to our broadcast of this week as the website that we archive the podcasts in is now under administrative measures by Information and Communication Technologies Authority in Turkey.

29th of September on Green Wave – Gediz Food Community

By Aida Ciro,

Yeşil Dalga_logoGreen Wave, the radio show produced by the Team in TEMA Foundation is sponsored by for the coming two months. September 29th was the 19th broadcast of the series. This week on the Green Wave we talked about food communities, our guest was Esin Pamuk from Gediz Food Community Coordination Team. She informed us about food communities and encouraged our listeners to form their own communities as they can even form a food community from their apartment with the help of a little research. She gave details about their own food community as well, she stated that they contact the farmers individually to ensure the quality of the product that they purchase for their community. For further information on food communities in Turkey you can check out this webpage (Turkish).

Unfortunately we cannot provide a link to our broadcast of this week as the website that we archive the podcasts in is now under administrative measures by Information and Communication Technologies Authority
in Turkey.

  Category: Media, Public events
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By Aida Ciro,

On 7th of October 2016, partner in Albania (Co-PLAN) in collaboration with the Belgium partner EEB (European Environmental Bureau), organized the second round of training with the civil society organizations. The training was organised in one day and the thematic was dedicated to Industrial pollution, the legal framework and practices in EU countries.

In the training participated 20 representatives from 7 different NGOs operating in the field of environment and 2 Academic Institution working in the field of environment. The training session was divided in three parts, where in the fist one trainees were introduced with “EU approach to limiting Industrial pollution and opportunities provided by the enlargement process”, in the second part they were introduced with “EU practices dealing with industrial pollution – cases of industrial pollution in EU countries, EU Directives and how EU proceeds with fines. The last part it was dedicated to Albanian situation and cases were brought to be discussed with EEB representatives and the trainees.

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  Category: Capacity building
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ATRC with the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning “International Day Without Vehicles” –

By Aida Ciro,

On 22nd of September, ATRC together with Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Municipality of Prishtina and Kosovo Police gathered in front of Ministry of Environment to mark “International Day Without Vehicles”. Around 50 volunteers joined in marking this day together with some primary school children. After the speech, people that participated in the event took a ride with bicycles provided by the Ministry throughout the city. Participants wore t-shirts with the days message and volunteers put some messages in the trees on the main streets of the city. This event was followed by local media as well.

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  Category: Advocacy-Awareness, Public events
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By Aida Ciro,

On 22.09.2016, at the square “Goce Delchev” in Strumica was organised the final event of the project “Local campaign against climate change” implemented by Planetum,f Strumica, supported within the call of Macedonia 2016 sub-granting scheme “Active Citizens for Greener Future ”

The event was organised by Planetum, Strumica, in cooperation with the Macedonian team.

The event included several activities: bicycle parade through the boulevard of Strumica, a march to raise awareness among citizens about the negative impact of climate change and promotion of the comic “The Climate Is Not Wired on a Switch.”

The gathering was addressed by the President of the Council of the Municipality of Strumica, the representative of Cycling Club “Activ” from Strumica, Mr. Dusko Hristov, representative of Macedonia and representatives of the Youth Council, who promoted the comic book “The Climate Is Not Wired on a Switch.”

The event was concluded with the awarding of prizes and public recognition of the participants in the campaign “The Climate Is Not Wired on a Switch”

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  Category: Advocacy-Awareness, Public events


By Aida Ciro,

On 15-16 September, a two-day Conference on IPA 2 mechanism for CSOs was held in Skopje. The conference was part of the “IPA 2 mechanism for CSOs” project, funded by the European Union within the IPA program for supporting civil society and the media.

At the opening session Mr. Nicolas Bartolini, representing the European Union Delegation in Macedonia addressed the participants. The aim of the conference was to provide forum for representatives of the civil society organisations and representatives of the Government and the EU Delegation to discuss current issues affecting the operation of civil society organisations in Macedonia.

During the conference was presented the approach to sectoral cooperation in each of the IPA2 sectors (1) Democracy and Governance, (2) Rule of law and fundamental rights, (3) Environment (4) Transport / Energy (5) Competitiveness and innovation (6) Social development, (7) Agriculture and Rural development, and the constituted new sector (8) Regional and territorial cooperation. During the conference sectoral representatives of the IPA 2 mechanism were nominated and selected.

Representatives of the team in Macedonia used the meeting to promote the work of They also actively participated in the work of sectoral groups 3 (Environment) and 1 (Democracy and Governance).



By Aida Ciro,

On 14.09.2016, the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, Mr. Bashkim Ameti held a meeting with representatives of civil society organisations that work on environmental issues. The aim of the event was for the new Minister to meet the organisations active in the field of environment and to hear more about their projects and initiatives related to environmental protection. This was a good opportunity for the Macedonian team to present the project and the results that has achieved during its implementation.