Kosovo and Macedonia – Established a Joint Commission for environmental protection

In December 2013, Kosovo and Macedonia have established a joint commission for environmental protection and spatial planning, which will be oriented towards processing and proposing joint appropriate measures; organizational, legal and technical cooperation on environment issues. Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning of Kosovo, Mr, Dardan Gashi, and Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning of[…..]

Environment Report and Literature Collection

ATRC started the process of collecting the Environment Reports, Literature, publication, reports, evaluations etc which will be good tools for having reference, data and source of information regarding different environment topics. The most reports, analyses, environment evaluations are collected from the Agency for Protection of the Environment and same other from the Ministry of Environment,[…..]

Kosovo, demolition of illegal buildings in Prevalla tourist area

Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning in December of the 2013 has begun demolition of illegal buildings constructed in violation of the Urban Regulatory Plan for Prevalla Tourist Area. Tourist areas; Prevalla is declared as a protected area by law since 1986. After conflict in 1999, in this area were build around 200 illegal houses,[…..]

Albania banning non-hazardous waste imports

The law on integrated waste management approved in the late 2011 has been lately reviewed (in October 2013). In 2011 the government approved the bill allowing some non-hazardous waste to be imported to the country. Now the article on importing non-hazardous waste has been removed. Commission of law in the Albanian Parliament argued that through[…..]

Round-table on waste management in marinas, integrated water management and EU integration

November 22, 2013 –  in the premises of Tourist Organisation of Belgrade, successful Round-table on waste management in marinas, integrated water management and EU integration was organised. After ENV.net Serbia Team presentations, it was fruitful discussion, focused on national laws implementation gaps, as well as international and EU environmental related standards. Participants includes marine managers, different CSOs, city public enterprises[…..]

Eye on environmental laws changes: monitoring compliance with EU directives

On November 5th, 2013, ENV.net Serbia representative  participated in the Meeting where draft changes on Law  of Waste was presented by Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection.  Meeting was organised by Serbian Chamber of Commerce. Presentation was followed by discussion and about 140 persons participated .  The day before, draft changes on Law of[…..]

A discussion with EU Delegation: little progress in environmental sector in Serbia?

On October 18th, ENV.net partner EASD participated to the presentation of Serbia Progress Report 2013 organised by the EU Delegation in Serbia. The presentation, focusing on economic chapters, was followed by a discussion with CSOs representatives. Environmental chapter had a great attention in the discussion. The main conclusion of this discussion is that there are[…..]