ENV.net advocacy toolkit launched

ENV.net team is pleased to launch the “ ENV.net advocacy toolkit 2015– how to influence environmental policy through effective advocacy”, prepared by the European Environmental Bureau. The toolkit is designed for civil society organisations and people interested in contributing to the protection of the environment. It provides best practice methodology for creating an advocacy strategy.[…..]

Promotion of ENV.net publication “Environment to Europe”

During the month of January 2015, ENV.net team Serbia organized several promotions of the publication titled “Environment to Europe”. Publication consists of introduction, interview with ENV.net coordinator for Serbia, and 13 scientific papers. All papers that were published were previously presented at the EnE14/ENV.net conference that was organized in June 2014 in Belgrade. This publication[…..]

Seminar on Negotiation Competencies: ‘It is Not Enough to Win’

Two day seminar on effective negotiation competencies has been organized by TEMA Foundation for Env.net stakeholders from civil society with the support of Baltas Management, Training and Consultancy. The aim of the seminar was to provide participants negotiation skills that will help build more effective synergies  both personally and as part of a team. To[…..]

The ENV.net Macedonia flyer “The KEY is in your hands”

To wrap-up the first phase of the project, the team prepared a brochure that presents the achievements of the first year of ENV.net in Macedonia, but also promotes the key objectives of the next phase of the project. The brochure, printed in Macedonian and Albanian, will be presented and distributed to key target groups (civil[…..]

Meeting with CSOs in Tetovo

On 22 December 2014 in Tetovo ENV.net Macedonia organised a working meeting with the NGO members of the Platform for Green Macedonia. At the meeting attended representatives from Kavadarci, Kumanovo, Veles, Skopje and Tetovo, and from several local organisations from Tetovo. The meeting was devoted to issues related to climate change. It started with a[…..]

Awareness activity in Albania on energy saving days!

Co-PLAN in collaboration with POLIS University, in the frame of ENV.net project organized on 18 and 19 of December 2014 an open awareness activity on issues related to energy efficiency in dwelling buildings (Poster 1 , Poster 2 , Poster 3 ). The activity took place in the yard of QTU shopping mall, where the[…..]

ENV.net Serbia Seminar: Environmental Education in Schools

ENV.net team Serbia, organised the Second Annual Seminar for Teachers, on December 12, 2014., in Belgrade.  Over 50 participants were present from all levels of education institutions from pre-schools, elementary and secondary schools, to higher educational institutions (college and university).  The main topics discussed include different ideas and methods on how environmental education in schools could be[…..]

ATRC and REC takes care about “managing forests and measures undertaken to prevent illegal logging”

Advocacy Training and Resource Centre (ATRC) in cooperation with the Regional Environment Centre – REC, within the regional project, Env Net, organized the conference on the topic: “Managing forests and measures undertaken to prevent illegal logging”. In this round table participated officials from 11 Kosovo municipalities which are the most affected from the phenomenon of[…..]

ENV.net Serbia Seminar: Environmental Education in Schools

ENV.net team Serbia, organised the Second Annual Seminar for Teachers, on December 12, 2014., in Belgrade.  Over 50 participants were present from all levels of education institutions from pre-schools, elementary and secondary schools, to higher educational institutions (college and university).  The main topics discussed include different ideas and methods on how environmental education in schools could be[…..]

Energy Saving days “Green Capsule”

Co-PLAN in collaboration with POLIS University, in the frame of ENV.net project will organize on 18 and 19 of December 2014 an open awareness activity on issues related to energy effciency in dwelling buildings. The activity will take place in the yard of QTU shopping mall, where the theater capsule type will serve to promote[…..]