Awareness activity in Albania on energy saving days!

By Aida Ciro,

Co-PLAN in collaboration with POLIS University, in the frame of project organized on 18 and 19 of December 2014 an open awareness activity on issues related to energy efficiency in dwelling buildings (Poster 1 , Poster 2 , Poster 3 ).

The activity took place in the yard of QTU shopping mall, where the theater capsule type served to promote all the awareness activities and brochures as  (Pamflet_energjia_1) and (Pamfleti_energjia_2) during those two days.

The capsule was constructed following energy efficiency principals and special session were dedicated to this, where the authors explained in details the technology being used. Another special session was programed to NGOs that have worked closely with Co-PLAN and on energy efficiency issues, implementing small grant project awarded by during 2014.

Representatives from the Ministry of Energy and Municipality of Tirana were invited to have a talk with the community regarding energy efficiency sector development, and another session was dedicated to private businesses where they promoted their products, as techniques for energy saving.

The whole time, the community was provided with awareness materials and short movies on energy efficiency issues, and the media covered the whole activity.

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  Category: Advocacy-Awareness
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By Aida Ciro,

XAor-150x150 team Serbia, organised the Second Annual Seminar for Teachers, on December 12, 2014., in Belgrade.  Over 50 participants were present from all levels of education institutions from pre-schools, elementary and secondary schools, to higher educational institutions (college and university).  The main topics discussed include different ideas and methods on how environmental education in schools could be enhanced and better represented in school curriculum.


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ATRC and REC takes care about “managing forests and measures undertaken to prevent illegal logging”

By Aida Ciro,

Advocacy Training and Resource Centre (ATRC) in cooperation with the Regional Environment Centre – REC, within the regional project, Env Net, organized the conference on the topic: “Managing forests and measures undertaken to prevent illegal logging”.

In this round table participated officials from 11 Kosovo municipalities which are the most affected from the phenomenon of logging with no criterion, such as: Podujeva, Vushtrria, Istogu, Peja, Deçani, Juniku, Kaçaniku, Ferizaj, Vitia, Kamenica and Hani i Elezit and representatives from the Government of Kosovo, respectively the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development and the Kosovo Forest Agency.

The representatives of Kosovo Municipalities, in their presentations showed the severe situation of forests, and the obstacles and challenges they face in the protection of forests which are related to limited budget, limited and mixed responsibilities, lack of good cooperation between the Ministry, the Agency and municipalities, lack of court, police and prosecution efficiency in handling the cases and prosecuting illegal loggers.

Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development and the Kosovo Forest Agency emphasized the successes, and the challenges they face in implementing the Law on Kosovo Forests, specifically, protecting forests from further deterioration. As they said, decentralization of competences for protection of forests to the municipalities was a request of the municipalities and was considered to be positive although the poor management of National Parks by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning remains an issue.

Monitoring the implementation of this Law by the Committee on Environment of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo should be a priority, since monitoring would show the level of implementation, the reasons for failure to implement and the changes to be made in the current law.


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By Aida Ciro, team Serbia, organised the Second Annual Seminar for Teachers, on December 12, 2014., in Belgrade.  Over 50 participants were present from all levels of education institutions from pre-schools, elementary and secondary schools, to higher educational institutions (college and university).  The main topics discussed include different ideas and methods on how environmental education in schools could be enhanced and better represented in school curriculum.




Energy Saving days “Green Capsule”

By Aida Ciro,

Co-PLAN in collaboration with POLIS University, in the frame of project will organize on 18 and 19 of December 2014 an open awareness activity on issues related to energy effciency in dwelling buildings.

The activity will take place in the yard of QTU shopping mall, where the theater capsule type will serve to promote all the awareness activities during these two days.

The capsule is constructed following energy efficiency principals and special session will be dedicated to this, where the authors will explain in details the technology being used. Another special session will be for NGOs that have worked closely with Co-PLAN and on energy efficiency issues.

Representatives from the Ministry of Energy and Municipality of Tirana will be invited to have to talk with the community regarding energy efficiency sector development, and another session private businesses will promote their products, as techniques for energy saving.

The whole time community will be provided with awareness materials and short movies on energy efficiency issues, and the media will covert the whole activity. organized a round table with CSOs members of the Platform Green Macedonia.

By Aida Ciro,

On 2nd December, 2014 in Kumanovo, Macedonia organised a working meeting with the CSOs, members of the Platform Green Macedonia.

At the meeting we had representatives from CSOs from Veles – Green Power, from Kumanovo – LIPA, NATYRA LIKOVE & Rural Coalition, from Kavadarci – Eco Life, from Tetovo – Youth Aliance and “Citizen Perspective” and from Skopje – Ekoskop, KOR/ CSD and 4x4x4Balkan Bridges Скопеј.

The aim was to discuss next steps of the Platform members with regards to the detected “10 hot-spots” and the prospects of establishing a “Green Consortium” that would increase our influence in the communication with the authorities at both local and national level.

The meeting was also used to discuss the training held in Skopje, in November, 2014 and future activities planned for the next two years by the project. Next CSOs meeting that will be held in Tetovo is planned for the 22nd December.

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A forest of Balkan people

By Aida Ciro,

On 3rd of December 2014, together with the Mr. Momchilo Aleksovski Mayor of Municipality of Rankovce, Local administration and the students from local basic school “Hristijan Todorovski Karposh” we realized common action – forestation of the dedicate space named “A forest of Balkan people” .

Realized action was in the frame of the Macedonia project supported by the European Union, and during this action we planted black pine, ash and locust, trees which could be “lungs” for today and future generations. The present pictures show real common and dedicate work from today action.


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The Round table “The impact of transport on air quality in Pristina and the surrounding areas.”

By Aida Ciro,

On 27/11/2014 at Hotel “Beni” premises in Mazgit (Obiliq) was held a roundtable on the topic “The impact of transport on air quality in Pristina and the surrounding areas.





The meeting was participated by: representatives from KEK Prof Dr. Izet Shehu, Professor Nazif Shala; Director of the Department of Environment Mr. Arben Berisha; Manager Mr. Abid Alia from the Company for Waste Management and other stakeholders, such as: representatives from the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning; Director of the Center for Family Health in Obilic Ms.Atifete Shylemaja; Director of REC Mr. Agron; Mr. Vehbi Goxhuli environmental specialist; sanitary inspectorate representative from Obilic; civil society representatives and others. The Kosovo A and B powers plants continue be the highest air polluters in Obiliq. According to statistics, the level of dust arising from chimneys of power plants overly exceeds the legislated levels with EU standards.  The number of cases with illness and death from cancer is large. Power plants do not use filters to lower the pollution, since there are no measurements and regular monitoring of air quality in the area.


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ATRC presented the environmental situation in Mitrovica

By Aida Ciro,

The  Env . net partner ATRC organized a round table on 27 November 2014 in Mitrovica for air pollution and impact on the health of citizens . This roundtable aimed presentation of the environmental situation in Mitrovica with a special focus on the state of forests in this region.

Officials from the Department of Environment in Mitrovica presented the overall state of the environment in municipality evaluated as poluted and with many problems. Municipal officer gave information on the state of water , air, soil , waste, municipal investment in the environmental field then focusing on forests. Participants estimated that Trepca is one of the main causes of exceeding the level of air pollution and water in Mitrovica. Mitrovica municipality must take measures in accordance with existing regulations to prevent further pollution, and the Ministry of Environment should constantly monitor air quality through monitoring points .

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By Aida Ciro,

During the month of November, team was part of several meetings organized by ECRAN project (Environmental Climate Regional Accession Network), as the training on EU Accession Process and the annual meeting.

On 20-21, all ECRAN NGOs form the region (where some of partners are part of), as part of the ECF (Environmental Climate Forum), attended the first training session on  “Technical aspects of the EU Accession Process: Improving the Knowledge Base on Scope and Opportunities for Civil Society Involvement”, where several EU countries from the region, now part of EU, shared their experiences, and others that have started the negotiation process for EU accession shared the difficult steps they are taking toward the accession.

On 24-25 of November, there was the annual meeting of all the NGOs of ECF, part of ECRAN project. During the annual meeting NGOs from the region were divided into two groups to discuss among them their inner issues related to water management and climate change and EIA and SEA issues. During the meeting European Commission representatives attended the meeting by presenting the latest development of EU legislation toward the three chosen topics and answered to all questions that NGOs had.


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