ENV.net team in Albania jointed Let’s Clean up Europe initiative on 8th of May 2015

By Aida Ciro,

ENV.net team in Albania (Co-PLAN) together with POLIS University students, for the second year joint the initiative of “Let’s Clean up Europe Day” through supporting joint activity with local units (Municipality of Puka, Municipality of Fushe-Arrez, Commune of Qerret, Commune of Qelez, Commune of Qaf Mali), communities and public schools in the area of Puka, dldp (Decentralization and Local Development Program) program, and local NGOs (Agro Puka and Women Organization in Puka) introducing the community waste composting “Let’s Compost Together for a Healthier Environment” . The event took place in one of the public high school of the city “Sabah Sinani”, where a group of pupils (25) and teachers were engaged during two days the event took place.

This initiative served to support local units and local experts to apply in practice the composting in community as well as for carrying out informative and awareness campaigns by increasing the level of knowledge and learning practices of students in support of recycling and composting. The activity objectives were:

1. Launching community composting activity, as an initiative taken for organization of inter-LGU schemes in the area of Puka;

2. Assisting local units to implement composting practices and also for the organization of awareness campaigns;

3. Establishment of a volunteer group to sustain composting activity in different areas of Puka;

4. Increase awareness and teaching practices to support recycling and composting activities.

The activity started on 6 of May and ended with the big open event on 8th of May. On the first day, there was organized by Co-PLAN and students of POLIS University a training event on how to compost organic waste in the public high school “Sabah Sinani”. More then 20 pupils and teachers of the public high school were introduced with the main principle of waste composting and how they could concretely perform waste composting in their yard. Then students of POLIS University constructed two wooden bins for waste composting in the yard of the public high school.

On the second day 8th of May, along with the initiative “Let’s Clean Up Europe Day”, in the premises of the public high school “Sabah Sinani”, representatives of Co-PLAN, ENV.net team in Albania, students of POLIS University, Director of the School, pupils of the public high school, representatives from the education office and the Mayer of Municipality of Puka, who delivered the opening speech, promoted the launch of community composting activity in the area of Puka. Then all representative inaugurated the composting bin and invited all participants to be part and contribute to this initiative.

Then the volunteer group of students walked around in the city to deliver a questionnaire  (on how citizens are ready to participate in the composting scheme) and also they distributed information leaflets Leaflets_1    Leaflets_2   Leaflets_3.

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ENV.net team in Albania joints Let’s Clean up Europe initiative

By Aida Ciro,

On 8th of May, ENV.net team in Albania (Co-PLAN), in collaboration with local units, communities and a public school in the area of Puka and dldp program will organized an open event to increase awareness of local communities and pupils to support inter LGU schemes for waste management and community composting schemes.

This initiative will take place in one of the three days of the Let’s Clean Up Europe week, where several activities in 28 member states will take place during 8-10 of May.

This event aims, first to promote community composting at inter LGU level, and also to support local communities to apply green initiatives and organization of awareness campaigns.

During the event will be delivered several awareness materials for the community on waste composting and on new inter LGU waste management scheme.


Regional EnE15/ENV.net Conference to be held in Serbia on June 5, 2015: EU Environmental Horizontal Legislation: Methods, Standards and Tools

By Aida Ciro,

Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development, the ENV.net partner from Serbia, is organising The Eleventh Regional Conference ”Environment to Europe” EnE15 – ENV.net, which will be held on June 5th 2015 in the Belgrade (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Terazije 23). Conference is UNEP WED event, suporting EU Integration process through project ’’Development of the ENV.net in West Balkans and Turkey: giving citizens a voice to influence the environmental process reforms for closer EU integration’’. Conference is ESDW (European Sustainble Development Week) event.


The ENV.net partner from Serbia, Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development, in partnership with Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia organize for The Eleventh Regional Conference ”Environment to Europe” EnE15 – ENV.net. Thematic areas this year is EU Environmental Horizontal Legislation: Methods, Standards and Tools. Horizontal legislation concerns matters which cut across different areas rather than a specific sector, and are more procedural, aiming to improve legislation and decision-making.  Different issues are considered as the issues need the horizontal (cross-cutting) approach, like: Public Involvement in Environmental Decision-Making, Environmental Measures on Production, Planning and Management, IPPC-Directive, Environmental Liability, Environmental Impact Assessment, Integrated Product Policy, New Approach and Standardization, etc.

The Conference is an opportunity for institutions, organizations and experts to present their research and exchange viewpoints regarding methods, standards and tools toward EU environmental values and challenges on the road to EU.

We firmly believe that your scientific/research results/views and experience will substantially help a better understanding of these fields. Being aware of the necessity of a close cooperation between science and practice, we invite you to take active participation in the Conference Environment to Europe – EnE15-ENV.net, either by preparing and presenting your paper or by contributing as an auditor and participant.

Application forms (with or without paper) should be sent to email: eneconference@feeserbia.com

Papers for Conference:

Papers for presentation on conference will be chosen based on the paper final form, considering issue of work in context of conference objectives. Papers have to be prepared according Guidelines (3-6 pages, in English or in Serbian/other language from former Yugoslavian Republics with Abstract in English) and send to email: eneconference@feeserbia.com Scientific Board will categorize papers within sub-thematic issues and propose publishing in CD Conference Proceedings in full or abstract form.

Important dates:

Deadline for submission of applications form with paper and abstract: April, 15

Abstract acceptance notification: May, 6

Deadline for submission of paper (extended abstracts): May, 15

Paper acceptance notification: May, 27

Deadline for submission of application form without paper: May, 25

Conference: June, 5


Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Terazije 23, Belgrade

Accommodation and travel:

Accommodation and travel is obligation by participant. Reserve accommodation and tickets on time!

Symposium language:

English and Serbian (and/or languages of former Yugoslavian republics)


Registration fee: Conference Organizing Committee is pleased to inform you that, thanks to the support of the EU through ENV.net project, there will be no fee for participation.

 More information:

Dunja Prokic

Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development

invitation: http://ambassadors-env.com/en/files/II-Invitation-EnE15-ENV.net_.pdf

e-mail: eneconference@feeserbia.com

web site: web site: http://ambassadors-env.com


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ENV.net in Macedonia: EC Progress Reports vis-à-vis National Environmental Legislation Framework

By Aida Ciro,

4x4x4 Balkan Bridges was focused on finalising a compiled document on the Chapter 27: Environment and Climate Change of the EU progress reports for Macedonia from 2007-2014, and relevant information on the national environmental legislation related to the selected topics (horizontal legislation, water and climate change), which in the next period will be used for identification of the progress/gaps with regard to the approximation to EU acquis. In addition, we maintained continuous communication with Metamorphosis related the ENV.net web platform.

Activities of the ENV.net team from Macedonia included participation in the final Conference “Developing a plan for safe water and sanitation in rural communities” organised by the NGO “Journalists for Human Rights (JHR)” in the EU Info Center (EU Delegation in Macedonia). The event was used to present the project ENV.net with special emphasis on the prospect of joint actions in the area of ​​water and possibility to present data from the Compendium created as part of their project at the ENV.net web platform.

On 22nd April, 2015 we had a meeting with Mr. Ylber Mirta, Head of the Department for Waters in the MoEPP. The aim of the meeting was to present the ENV.net project, and discuss possibilities for cooperation in the sector of water. In addition, contacts were mane with the EU mission in Skopje, with a same purpose: to present the project and consider possibilities for future cooperation related to the objectives of ENV.net.

Open Call’s without dead lines:

American Embassy Skopje

The U.S. Embassy Democracy Commission Grants Program


Norway Embassy in Serbia

Norway’s engagement for stability and development in South East Europe 


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ЕНВ.нет во Македонија: Извештаите на Европската комисија vis-à-vis националното законодавство од областа на животната средина

4х4х4 Балкански Мостови фокусот на работа го стави на финализирање на документот во којшто е даден преглед за Поглавјето 27: Животна средина и климатски промени од Извештаите на ЕК за напредокот на Република Македонија за периодот 2007-2014, како и релевантни информации за националното законодавство за животната средина поврзани со темите: хоризонтално законодавство, вода и климатските промени. Овој документ во наредниот период ќе се користи за идентификација и следење на напредокот / пропустите во однос на процесот на приближување на нашето законодавство кон она на ЕУ. Дополнително, тимот беше во постојана комуникација со Метаморфозис во врска со воспоставување на веб платформата на ЕНВ.нет.

Активностите на ЕНВ.нет тимот од Македонија вклучуваат и учеството во завршната конференција “Развој на план за безбедна вода и санитација во руралните заедници”, во организација на невладината организација „Новинари за човекови права (JHR)”. Настанот беше искористен за  претставување на проектот ЕНВ.нет со посебен акцент на можноста за заеднички активности во областа на води и презентирање на податоците од Компендиумот, креиран како дел од нивниот проект, на веб платформата на ЕНВ.нет.

На 22 април 2015 година имавме состанок со г-дин Илбер Мирта, раководител на Секторот за води при МЖСПП. Целта на средбата беше да се презентира ЕНВ.нет проектот, и да се дискутираат можностите за идна соработка со Секторот за води. Покрај тоа, контакти беа направени со мисијата на ЕУ во Скопје, со иста цел: да се презентира проектот и да се разгледаат можностите за идна соработка во однос на целите на ЕНВ.нет.


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TEMA Foundation celebrates the 21 March International Day of Forests and 22 March World Water Day with activities around Turkey.

By Aida Ciro,

This weekend, TEMA Foundation will conduct activities around the country simultaneously with activities at Albania, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosova and Italy within the context of the Env.net project.

TEMA Foundation will organize ‘Water Awareness Rallies’, presentation and information stants and trainings on water and wetlands.  Activities in different cities will focus on the messages ‘water is food’, ‘water is nature’, ‘water is health’ and underline the vital essence of water.

United Nations declared the theme of the World Water Day as ‘Water and Sustainable Development’ and the theme of the International Day of Forests as ‘Forests and Climate Change’. United Nations emphases the role of the forests in climate change and the sustainability of water resources in the World.

Forests as the lungs of the World, holds in place the source of life, the soil and by arranging the precipitation system, provides another vital element, the water. Forests have the role to store carbon dioxide that otherwise causes climate change. For this reason, deforestation increases the risk of climate change. 1/6 of World carbon emissions are caused by deforestation. Forests have the potential to restore the 1/10 of carbon emissions in the next 50 years.

While playing a critical role in the water cycle, forests need water to survive. 60% of water flow in the World occurs comes from Forests that cover 30% of World land area. Forests also protects the quality of water. It is forecasted that the dry and semi-dry region that covers most of Turkey will experience serious water shortages due to climate change. For this reason, protectiong water basins becomes more important everyday.

TEMA Foundation emphasizes that as part of the nature, human beings should first conserve and then improve water and forest assets. In Turkey, there are more than 40 pieces of legislation concerning water. To ensure the sustainability of our water resources, there is an apparent need for a Water Law. As TEMA Foundation, we would like to emphasize the importance of the Water Law that will protect the superior ecosystem interest, an ecosystem human beings are also part of.


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Celebrating the World Water Day in Serbia: field visit to Ada Ciganlija

By Aida Ciro,

On Sunday, March 22, 2015, Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development, together with the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, Public Enterprise “Ada Ciganlija” and Association of Lifeguards, organised the social event for citizens celebrating the World Water Day.

Social event was organised at the major urban public beach in Belgrade, on “Ada Ciganlija” from 12 to 16.

In the first part of the event, Association of Lifeguards had a short presentation of the security measures that need to be taken into account on the beach in case of the emergency. They showed the public their security equipment and explained the procedures for dealing with emergency situations.

In the second part, Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia led the participants to field visit to the habitat of some specific bird and fungi species. Interesting short presentations on the history and characteristics of Ada Ciganlija were followed by the presentations on particular species that live there. Special focus was on the importance of water on their habitat.

About 60 participants were present at this event.

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Celebrating the World Water Day in Albania: field visit to the “Karavasta Lagoon”

By Aida Ciro,

To mark the World Water Day, 22nd of March (2015), ENV.net team in Albania, in collaboration with students and professors from POLIS University, organized a field trip in one of the biggest wetland areas in the country “Karavasta Lagoon” part of the National Park of Divjake-Karavasta in the mid-west part of the country. In this field trip participated approximately two classes of environmental studies (25).

Students departed from Tirana to travel to Karavasta Lagoon, located in the west part of the Divjaka city. First they were introduced with a short history of the lagoon development and how it has been throughout these last 20 years. The lagoon is part of the National Park of Divjake- Karavasta, which has not yet a managing plan in place.

Students were introduced with the history of the lagoon and it main characteristics, and how it was polluted by the agriculture developed nearby, or by the illegal fishing. A dense pine forest surrounds the coast parts of the lagoons, which is full of natural paths. Students were able to have a trip of about 2-3 km in one of the main natural paths of the area, where they were able to see and admire the natural habitat of the lagoon.

Students were able to enjoy one of the beautiful characteristics that this lagoon holds, which is a perfect place for several poultry species as the flamingos, different types of gulls and the pelican. Despite it being a National Part, there is no management plan yet in place for the lagoon.

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WORLD WATER DAY, MARCH 22ND, 2015: Joint action of Macedonian and Kosovo citizens to clean the River Lepenec

By Aida Ciro,

On March 22 (Sunday), 2015, on the occasion of World Water Day, the association of citizens 4x4x4 Balkan Bridges, in cooperation with various civic organizations, members of the Platform Green Macedonia organized an action to clean the river Lepenec. The purpose of the action, which took place at the same time (03.22.2015 at 12 o’clock) in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey (countries of the ENV.net project partners) was to raise public awareness through active involvement of citizens and institutions on topics related to the environment, with special emphasis on the protection and preservation of water as a resource that is not renewable, and which is needed more than anything in the daily lives of us all.

Only air, water and wildlife do not use passports to cross political boundaries. Given that responsibility for the river Lepenec is on both the citizens of Macedonia and Kosovo, the campaign to mark World Water Day, was realized at the same time on both sides of the border between Macedonia and Kosovo. Our action was joined by the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Mr. Nurhan Izairi and representatives of the water sector and other members of the Ministry. In the action in Kosovo, organized by ATRC Pristina, a partner in the ENV.net project from Kosovo, were involved representatives from their Ministry of Environment (the Minister and his deputy), as well as representatives from local government (mayors of the municipalities: General Jankovic , Kacanik and Ferizaj).

The action resulted in a symbolic union of the participants from Macedonia with those of Kosovo at the bridge on the river Lepenec and presentation of letter of request for mutual concern of both countries on the status of the river Lepenec.

As we could see on the ground, the situation with the river and its immediate environment is in a very poor condition, which in turn is a reflection of our consciousness (or its absence). However, our responsibility does not decrease because of the irresponsibility of the authorities, nor does it reduce the responsibility of the competent authorities due to our negligence.

The meeting highlighted the common views about the next steps for the NGOs to encourage institutions, especially the Ministries of Environment, for future actions that slowly but surely “step by step” will encourage implementation of concrete actions for protection and promotion of the natural resources shared by our two neighbouring countries, and by that contribute towards achieving the objectives and guidelines set out by the EU in the process of our accession to the European family!

The event on both sides of the border was featured by media representatives from Macedonia and Kosovo.

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World Day of Water

By Aida Ciro,

Figure 2 A good examples to all

Within the regional project, ENV.net, supported by the European Commission, ATRC in cooperation with NGOs from Republic of Macedonia marked World Day of Water on 22nd of March and organized cross country activity with the aim to raise the awareness of the population in both countries for environmental protection and advocacy for implementation of environmental policies.

Figure 1 Dedicated volunteers in reaching their goal for having Cleaner River

Figure 1 Dedicated volunteers in reaching their goal for having Cleaner River

The activity included cleaning of the River Lepenc that flows in both Kosovo and Macedonia and connects both countries in Hani I Elezit. Partner organization from Skopje, 4x4x4 Balkan Bridges, engaged their volunteers to clean the river on their side of the border while ATRC with their respective volunteers cleaned the same river on the Kosovo side. At 12:00 o’clock both parties met on Kosovo side, in Hani I Elezit, and gave a clear message that even though border splits environment is the one that connects.

Figure 2 A good examples to all

Figure 2 A good examples to all

During this cross country activity there were different participants from local and central level Kosovo institutions such as Ferat Shala, Vice Minister, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Qeram Telqiu, Political Adviser, Naser Bajraktari, Director of Water Department, Arben Qitaku, Secretary General, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Rufki Suma, President of Municipality of Hani i Elezit, Besim Ilazi, Presinent of Muunicipality of Kacanik, Sokol Haliti, President of Municipality of Viti, Agron Bektashi, Director of Regional Environmental Center (REC), Avdulla Nishori, Project Manager, REC, Kushtrim Kaloshi, Executive Director, ATRC. From Republic of Macedonia present was Nurhan Izairi, Minister of Environmental and Physical Planning and his partners.

During this activity, a “Joint Declaration” prepared by NGOs engaged in this activity was read. The declaration said that “We want to open a new chapter of mutual cooperation for achieving joint aim that is clean and healthy environment for current and future generations”.

Figure 5. Kushtrim Kaloshi, Executive Director, ATRC, reading the Joint Declaration to the participants

Figure 3. Kushtrim Kaloshi, Executive Director, ATRC, reading the Joint Declaration to the participants

Ferat Shala, Vice President of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of Republic of Kosovo and Nurhan Izairi, Minister of Environmental and Physical Planning of Republic of Macedonia said that all institutions in Kosovo and Macedonia, as well as citizens in general, have the obligation and are responsible for their actions that are linked with water resources, in order to protect them.

This joint activity sends clear the message that we are ready to cooperate in protection of joint water resources by drafting joint platforms for this. Let this joint activity be the initial phase of actions to be taken by both countries. This was said by representatives of both countries.

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Free e-learning courses

By Aida Ciro,

“Get funding from the European Union”


The course provides an understanding of the EU funding and programming system with a brief presentation of the main EU Institutions involved in this process. It also presents the funding opportunities available for CSOs from Western Balkans and Turkey to implement their projects. Moreover this course focuses on the necessary steps to carry out in order to apply for Grants under the EU Calls for proposals system

See more info on the course  here



“Social media, activism and participation”

env.net_elearningThe course provides support to CSOs that would like to start or improve their communication strategy through the use of social media. It helps in understanding how to use the most common social networks, like twitter, facebook, and linkedin and provide step-by-step suggestions to organise on-line petitions or campaigns.

The course is designed for staff of CSOs working in communication departments with a basic knowledge of the main social networks. It is conceived for beginners on the subject and do not need an in-depth experience.

See more info on the course  here



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