Celebrating World Environment Day in Turkey

By Aida Ciro,

The local volunteers of the Turkish Env.net partner TEMA Foundation organised a series of events to raise awareness about the protection of the environment, as part of the 2016 World Environment Day. The volunteers collectively created unique hand-made banners with the tagline “Sürdürülebilir Yaşam için Doğanın Parçası Ol” (Be part of the Nature, for a Sustainable Future) and put the banners on display in central places of their towns.

A total of 33 events were organised in 17 cities in all over the country and around 3000 people of different age groups ranging from children to retired elderlies, were reached directly with these activities. Furthermore, a specific graphic design commissioned by TEMA Foundation was shared extensively in the social media and received a lot of attention about the world environment day. 340,089 people were reached on facebook, with 2654 shares and 5427 likes. And 287 retweets and 303 likes on twitter were reached.


World Environment Day celebrations

By Aida Ciro,

In order to mark 05th June World Environment Day, there were several activities organized. The activities were mainly organized in Germia Park in Prishtina, in cooperation betwwen ATRC with the Prishtina Municiplity, NGO Mileniumi i Ri, NGO Green Art as well as other NGOs. Main activities were:

Promotion of art through recycled materials; distribution of brochures for Germia Park; promotion cycling as environmental friendly mean; lectures for children on the recycling process and energy efficiency; health promotion as well as information on environmental protection for the participants in the Park


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WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY: Joint action of students and citizens from Strumica

By Aida Ciro,

On the occasion of World Environment Day 2016 Macedonia in collaboration with the department of  environment and directors of the three primary schools – Marshal Tito, Sando Masev,and Vidoe Podgorec and high school Jane Sandanski today joined the action that took place in small city park, organised by the environmental organisations “Planetum” and “4x4x4 Balkan Bridges “Skopje – ENV.net partner for Macedonia.

Students and other participants in the action – participated to a creative workshop with main topic of  protecting environment and fighting climate change.

Students using different techniques (graphics, painting, dry pastel and drawing canvas bags) in a creative way, has expressed and sent their message for protection of live environment and climate change.  Fifty students participated and made around thirty paintings, and twenty two canvas bags. Many random people walking try the park has the opportunity to see the paintings and read the messages that students sent. This way in a creative way we were able to send the message to the local community and wider to preserve our planet because we don’t have a spare one, and to contribute to the environmental protection and climate change fitting

The action is part of the project “Development of the ENV.net in West Balkans and Turkey: giving citizens a voice to influence the environmental process reforms for closer EU integration”, supported by the European Commission.




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ENV.net training in Macedonia: Strategic Environmental Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment and Public Participation

By Aida Ciro,

On 11th June 2016 in Skopje, the ENV.net team from Macedonia, with support of EEB, organised a one-day training on Strategic environment assessment (SEA), Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) and Public Participation.
The main objective of the course was to provide a general understanding on EU acquis (pertaining to SEA, EIA and Public Participation), and a possibility for Macedonian CSO to be better informed with SEA/EIA EU policies and practices, compared to those in Macedonia. It also aimed to provide a forum for discussions how they can contribute to the national and EU policy making.
At the course attended 22 participant, representatives of CSOs, local and national governments, university professors, and environmental activists. Key presenters included Richard Filcak (EEB), Kiril  Ristovski (Florozon), Natasha Dokovska (Journalist for Human Rights), Nevena Smilevska (Eco-Svest – ETNAR for MK) and Gjoko Zoroski ( DEM-ETNAR for MK from Ohrid) & Nenad Kocik ( Vila Zora Veles)
The presentations delivered at the training, covering varieties of topics like EIA& SEA in the EU: Situation, Challenges and NGO Perspectives; Legal provisions, mechanisms and opportunities for access to information on environmental issues and public participation in decision-making; Aarhus Convention as a benchmark for environmental good governance; the cases of NP Mavrovo (Bern Convention as a tool for protection of the National Park Mavrovo) and NP Galicica (How to preserve nature?; Amended Management Plan of the National Park Galicica, and the endangered species by the projects), the cases of Veles (Citizens’ protests against the reopening of the smelter in Veles), and Probishtip (Government intention to allow construction of an iron foundry and iron products in Probistip),  triggered very dynamic and fruitful discussions among the participants, which resulted in a common conclusion that in order to be more effective we need to join forces in order to strengthen our role on both national and local level.

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16th of June on Env.net Sponsored Green Wave Radio Show

By Aida Ciro,

Green Wave, the radio show produced by the Env.net team in TEMA Foundation is now sponsored by Env.net for the coming six months. June 16th is the 4th broadcast of the series.

This week our guest for Green Wave was Biologist Ergün Bacak, who is an instructor from İstanbul University Faculty of Forests, Forestry Junior Technical College, Hunting and Wildlife Program. We have talked about the 2016-2017 Hunting Period decision of the Central Hunting Commission.

The hunting period which was published in the official gazette on 26 May 2016 legitimizes hunting in regionYeşil Dalga_logos that were previously closed for hunting including many natural regions and almost all wetlands. In addition, hunting limits have been raised. The only type of goose that is found in Turkey and shoveler, a rare type of duck are included in the list of animals that can be hunted.

Please click on the link to support the campaign to change this Central Hunting Commission decision.

The podcast of the broadcast in Turkish can be listened through the following link: http://acikradyo.com.tr/podcast/146249


2nd of June on Env.net sponsored Green Wave Radio Show

By Aida Ciro,

Green Wave, the radio show produced by the Env.net team in TEMA Foundation is now sponsored by Env.net for the coming six months. June, 2 is the second broadcast of the series.

Yeşil Dalga_logoThis week our guest for Green Wave was Dr. Cemal Beşkardeş of Bosphorus Associations’ Platform (BODEP). BODEP is a platform that consists of 11 neighborhood associations, which collectively work on protecting these neighborhoods as cultural and natural entities.

Dr. Beşkardeş talked about their new campaign “We want our boats” to increase the number of ferry trips in the city lines as a solution to traffic jams in Istanbul. There are docks in every neighborhood in the Bosphorus area but the options to use sea transport remain rather limited. In this sense BODEP argues that introduction of a variety of new ferry routes will have great impact on traffic jam reduction. BODEP also initiated a change.org campaign to attract attention to their campaign and the platform.

The podcast of the broadcast in Turkish can be listened at the following link:


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26th of May on Env.net sponsored Green Wave radio show

By Aida Ciro,

Green Wave, the radio show produced by the Env.net team in TEMA Foundation is now sponsored by Env.net for the coming six months. The first Env.net supported show was broadcasted on 26th of May.

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In reference to May 22, International Day of Biological Diversity, this broadcast was dedicated to discuss the importance of biodiversity. Esra Ergin, TEMA’s Education, Science and Publications Coordinator and Aydan Özkıl of Nature Protection Center (DKM), Soil and Water Program were our two guests for the broadcast. TEMA’s Esra Ergin gave insights about how individuals can get involved in the protection of biodiversity and why people actually need to be involved in this process.

DKM’s Aydan Özkıl informed the audience about DKM’s new project Artists for Nature, which is a project co-funded by European Union and Republic of Turkey under the Civil Society Dialogue Programme. The project aims to introduce the “wildlife art” concept to Turkish art enthusiasts, with guidance of experienced British artists, known as Society of Wildlife Artists.

In the context of the project, an Art Week is organized in Köyceğiz (Muğla) Area, where endemic Sweetgum Trees naturally grows in forest form, with participation of British Tutors, Turkish Artists, art students and representatives of National Media. Following the Art Week, produced artwork will be exhibited in touristic locations throughout 2016 summer. In addition to the exhibitions in Turkey, the outcomes will be also exhibited in Britain in Autumn, 2016. Finally a book and a calendar will be prepared, summarizing the whole art week and the process. The project aims to raise public awareness about the endemic Sweetgum Trees and encourage protection of these endemic species.

The podcast of the broadcast in Turkish can be listened at the following link:

26th of May – Green Wave on Açık Radyo


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World Environment Day events in Turkey

By Aida Ciro,

The local volunteers of the Turkish Env.net partner TEMA Foundation organised a series of events to raise awareness about the protection of the environment, as part of the 2016 World Environment Day. The volunteers collectively created unique hand-made banners with the tagline “Sürdürülebilir Yaşam için Doğanın Parçası Ol” (Be part of the Nature, for a Sustainable Future) and put the banners on display in central places of their towns.

A total of 33 events were organised in 17 cities in all over the country and around 3000 people of different age groups ranging from children to retired elderlies, were reached directly with these activities.


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EnE16-ENV.net Regional Conference was held on June 6. 2016, in Belgrade, Serbia

By Aida Ciro,

The Regional Conference ‘’Environment to Europe – EnE16-ENV.net’’ was held on 6th of June 2016 in Belgrade (Serbia) to address issues related to climate changes and sustainability of resources. Traditionally, this Conference was organized by professional association “Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development” and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia. Conference was UNEP WED event, supporting EU Integration process through project ’’Development of the ENV.net in West Balkans and Turkey: giving citizens a voice to influence the environmental process reforms for closer EU integration’’.

EnE16-ENV-net was opened with introductory speeches by Nermina Ljubovic, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Stanojla Mandic, Deputy Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Serbia, PhD Mirjana Drenovak-Ivanovic, Assistant Professor from the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, and member of the Government of the Republic of Serbia Negotiating Team for the Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the EU, responsible for Chapter 27, and prof. dr Anđelka Mihajlov, from the Environmental Ambassador for Sustainable Development and member of the Government of the Republic of Serbia Negotiating Team for the Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the EU, responsible for Chapter 27. Conference was attended by representatives from governmental and non-government sectors, international organizations, scientific institutions and business associations.

Conference participants (about 170 registered participants) were unique in that: we have respectable experts in the field of environment and climate change (both those with experience, and young professionals – who have difficulty finding employment in their profession). As the EU accession a significant priority for Serbia, the chapter relating to the environment and climate change (Chapter 27) will be increasingly important in the process to reach European standards in our country. Profession and experience should be the guarantor for the “right” solution on this path. Public participation in decision-making on issues relevant to the environment is one of the pillars of sustainability solutions. Appropriate environmental education is an important factor for the performance of the process of sustainable growth and development. Participants in the discussion have tried to provide answers to questions on how to be more effective in environmental protection and responsible to nature. More information about this event: http://ambassadors-env.com/.

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Anti-Coal campaign in Turkey

By Aida Ciro,

Turkish Env.net partner TEMA Foundation has been organizing anti-coal rallies in more than 130 locations throughout Turkey, including cities that are most affected by coal plants like Çanakkale, Zonguldak and İzmir during April, May and June 2016. These widespread rallies included activities like cycling protests, awareness raising events and seminars. The events also involved children’s education and coloring activities but also activities for the elder generation, which aimed to include the society as a whole in the anti-coal rallies.

In the press release TEMA Foundation’s general director Assoc. Prof. Barış Karapınar made, he highlighted the importance of breaking free of coal powered plants regarding adaptation to climate change. He also emphasized that the devastating impacts of coal mining and coal power plants can no longer be disregarded, and urgent action needs to be taken.


TEMA also took part in the Break Free events in İzmir, Aliağa. Young-TEMA groups from neighbouring cities attended the meetings, seminars and awareness raising events as part of the global Break Free rallies. 

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