Round-table on waste management in marinas, integrated water management and EU integration

November 22, 2013 –  in the premises of Tourist Organisation of Belgrade, successful Round-table on waste management in marinas, integrated water management and EU integration was organised. After Serbia Team presentations, it was fruitful discussion, focused on national laws implementation gaps, as well as international and EU environmental related standards. Participants includes marine managers, different CSOs, city public enterprises[…..]

The third partnership meeting in Milan, November 2013

The third partnership meeting of organizations from six countries participating in Project is being held from 5-8. November, 2013., in Milan, Italy.  The first day was dedicated to presentation of activities undertaken in the last months and description in details how each partner organisation is planning to implement activities foreseen in the project strategy in 2014.  In the afternoon of the[…..]

Eye on environmental laws changes: monitoring compliance with EU directives

On November 5th, 2013, Serbia representative  participated in the Meeting where draft changes on Law  of Waste was presented by Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection.  Meeting was organised by Serbian Chamber of Commerce. Presentation was followed by discussion and about 140 persons participated .  The day before, draft changes on Law of[…..] Partner Meeting in Milan

Before the last day of the week long partnership meeting, partners relaxed taking a nostalgic ride around Milan. The partnership meeting involved a Training for Trainers and a training on Social Media use in addition to the general evaluation of 2013 activities with a potential road map for 2014.  

The Consulate General of the Republic of Kosova and TEMA

On September 9th 2013, TEMA received visit from the Consulate General of the Republic of Kosova. The visit was a further step to develop the good relations between the two countries and to discuss possible future cooperation for the protection of environment in both countries. Information about the project and the  ATRC partner, were[…..] participated to EC Inception conference

On 23rd – 24th May 2013 the Regional Conference “CSF Framework for Partnership Agreement Inception Conference” was organised in Belgrade at Palace of Serbia. During this Conference, presented its strategy (see presentation) and to address the following priorities in the future: Strengthened capacity and efforts to provide analysis, advocacy and monitoring of key[…..]

2nd partners meeting

On 21st-22nd May 2013, partners organised a meeting in Belgrade before the Inception conference to discuss about the activities implemented during the inception phase, agree on the strategy and the workplan up to the end of the 2-year phase of the project, and prepare the presentation of the to the EC Inception conference. During[…..]

1st partnership meeting

On the 22nd and 23rd of January, just after the kick-off conference, the members met in EEB office in Brussels for the 1st partnership meeting. This event was crucial for the creation of the project steering committee, the identification of each organisation’s strengths and added value for the project purpose and the definition of[…..] partners participated to the EC Opening conference

On 21st January 2013 the representatives participated to the EC kick-off conference organised by DG Enlargement in Brussels to allow the 18 networks working under the Framework Partnership Agreement signed within the EU Civil Society Facility programme to know each other. The main aim of the conference was to create synergies between the different[…..]