Connecting Sustainable Agricultural Networks in EU and Turkey

Together with its Dutch partner Both ENDS, TEMA Foundation is working on a project entitled “Connecting Sustainable Agricultural Networks in EU and Turkey ”, since February, 2016, which funded by EU and Republic of Turkey. The main objectives are establishment of links and cooperation between civil society in Turkey and the EU through a common platform for sustainable agriculture networks, and promotion of good agricultural practices (GAP), organic farming, environmentally friendly agricultural practices in Turkey, in harmony with relevant EU legislations and standards.

In this regard, to consult stakeholders’ perspectives on the content of the platform, a stakeholder meeting was held on July 22nd in Istanbul with the participation of 30 people from various parties. Problems in organic farming and GAP were discussed in an interactive way for the first session of the meeting. Based on those problems discussed, different solutions were suggested in the working groups. As the third session, how to integrate abovementioned solutions into the platform was explored.

This meeting will enable to address much needed issues in the platform thanks to crucial input from the participants. All the participants were quite engaged and ready for contribution during the upcoming steps of the Project


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