Forest management and measure taken to prevent illegal logging in Peja Region

Monday, September 29, 2014, the Organization SHIP from Decani Municipality, in the framework of a project funded by the Env. Net, organized inter – municipal workshop on “Forest Management and the measures taken to prevent illegal logging.”

Through the workshop is intended that the three municipalities of Peja region: Decani , Istok and Juniku , to discuss the measures that are taken in preventing illegal logging and sharing examples of effective practices and the protection of forests .

In round table attended representatives of the three municipalities of the region of Peja, such are: representatives of municipalities, civil society, Forest Protection Agency, the National Park representatives, environmental experts etc.

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Discussions of the panelists were oriented mainly on experiences, actions and challenges in forest management, agreeing that coordination among institutions, the confused competencies between different Agencies, lack of law enforcement, corruption and conflict of interest in the whole process of forest management remain major challenges in maintaining the forest and forest mismanagement.

The main recommendations that emerged in the round table:

  1. To have exact data or statistics regarding damages done in all the forests of the region of Peja,
  2. To clarify the powers between the Agency for the Protection of Forests and municipalities,
  3. To increase the number of forest guards
  4. To increase penalties for abusers forest
  5. To create separate budget line for maintenance and management of forests.
  6. To establish a Task Force between the municipality, police, prosecution, courts, Forest Protection Agency, etc.