News from subgrants in Albania

In the framework of the project “Raising public awareness about renewable energy” implemented by Aarhus Information Center in Vlora city as a sub-grant, during the month of April there was started the first phase of the project by organizing three roundtables  in cities of Saranda , Himara and Orikumi , with local decision – makers, interest groups , civil society representatives , youth , local business representatives , representatives of Citizen Advisory Committees.

More than 50 participants attended these meetings through discussing on the idea of greater development of renewable energy sources, especially investments in the field of solar panels that have a greater and faster economical and environmental impact.

As the entire south -west part of the country has more than 300 days of sunshine, local business representatives, especially those working in the field of tourism, expressed strong interest in investing on solar panels, as a necessity and a guarantee for the development of the tourism.

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