Field vistit with students at a Waste Water Treatment Plant in Durres, and a waste recycling company in Tirana

In the framework of project, Co-PLAN in collaboration with students of Polis University organized an education day on one of the latest built waste water treatment plant in the country (Durres city), and in one of the plastic waste recycling company (Tirana City).

Students had the possibility to be introduced with the process in the waste water treatment plant, which treats waste water from Durres city and the beach area, using a tertiary treatment process. The director of the plant explained that the facility has a capacity up to 250,000 inhabitants, and is planed to be working till 2022.

Then students had the possibility to be introduced with a plastic waste recycling company in Tirana. The facility collects plastic waste and industrial plastic, treats them and then produces plastic bags for the majority of the country market.