Kosovo and Macedonia – Established a Joint Commission for environmental protection

In December 2013, Kosovo and Macedonia have established a joint commission for environmental protection and spatial planning, which will be oriented towards processing and proposing joint appropriate measures; organizational, legal and technical cooperation on environment issues.

Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning of Kosovo, Mr, Dardan Gashi, and Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning of Macedonia, Mr. Abdilaqim Ademi, signed Rules of Procedure of the Joint Commission in the area of ​​environmental protection and spatial planning.

The Committee composed from environment experts from both ministries will also share experiences in the use of European Union pre-accession funds for the development of cross-border projects of mutual interest.

In this area, priority will be given to the construction of water purification Plants Rivers of Kosovo which flow into Macedonia, for which the guarantor is the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the two ministers in 2012.